Big Silver Birds and tiny nests.

10/6/11 - 14/6/11 Shinjuku Washington Hotel Tokyo 4 nights Arrive 9pm at  SHINJUKU WASHINGTON HOTEL, Tokyo.
There we will meet with Sr Sabine and Sister Nishida who will show us a good time around Tokyo. Sr Sabine was once Anne Southern, who I met 41 years ago when I joined the Navy. Tracking her down has been quite a challenge but now we have Skyped and emailed each other so we know who to look for.

After 4 days in Tokyo we are of to Kyoto for 3 days.
14/6/11 - 17/6/11 Hearton Hotel Kyoto
This will include a day trip to Hiroshima -
Then its back to Tokyo 17/6/11 - 22/6/11 Shimbashi Atagoyama Tokyu Inn (Minato, Japan) - Hotel  5 nights and Disneyland then back to OZ.